content managed e-commerce website design & development

The website features:
- Shopping cart
- Customer purchase history
- Content management
- Product management
- Customer registration and management
- Order management
- Multiple payment methods included PayPal and Realex
- Multiple currencies
- Customisable promotional discount codes
- Payment Confirmation
- Detailed Sales Reports
- Image and media management
Naturo also have the ability to communicate with their customers using the Digiink email campaign manager. This system provides Naturo access to groups of their customers organised the way they specify ie. 'customers who requested a sample', 'customer who have not purchased', 'Republic of Ireland customers'. This system is fully feature and includes read email tracking which means you can communicate effectively with your customers to drive sales and traffic.
Digiink also offered a full design service to Naturo providing design and print of their product booklet, promotional flyers, packaging labels and press and newspaper advertising. Currently we are working on the packaging for an exciting new range of Dog Biscuits.